Armored Warfare Wiki
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We are currently maintaining 3,790 pages (515 articles).

About the game
Armored Warfare is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online tactical military game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by It is currently in Open Beta and will release on PC. Armored Warfare puts players in control of some of the most incredible, modern destructive machines to grace a battlefield. Drive modern tanks, armored vehicles and more.


Modern military hardware Modern graphics
Joint co-op missions Large-scale battles
Modern battlefield
Armored Warfare dev feed
Update .19

File:Chemical Plant PvP.jpg

Armored Warfare Update .19 is a major update that brings 26 new vehicles, Balance 2.0, a new Global Operations map, a new PvP map, and two new PvE Missions.

The changes to Balance 2.0 fix game balancing issues at higher tiers, and address power creep between tiers. There was an evaluation of all the vehicles and there were changes to game mechanics to accomplish this. There was also a compensation system for vehicles that were removed and others that changed tier.

Since all of the vehicles have changed for the update, parts of this wiki will be out of date until it can be fixed.

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Game Art
Update 0.16 Trailer
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